Status 2018.04.28
- 1 Name and Home of the association
(1) The name of the association is „Future for Bweya's Children e.V.".
(2) The association is registered in the register of associations in Kiel.
(3) Upon registration, the association acquires the legal status of a legal entity.
(4) The registered office of the Association is located in Bad Segeberg, Bussardweg 11.
(5) The financial year shall be the calendar year. - 2 Purpose of the Association
(1) The purpose of the association is development cooperation. The main focus is on supporting the Bweya Children's Home in Uganda and its social environment. The expansion of the association's activities to similar projects is conceivable if capacities are available.
(2) The purpose of the Association shall be realised by supporting the Ugandan Non Government Organisation (NGO) "Children Safe Uganda" (CSU) in partnership through financial contributions and voluntary assistance on site. - 3 Non-profit status
(1) The Association shall be financed by membership fees and donations.
(2) By carrying out the tasks mentioned in § 2, the Association shall act selflessly and shall exclusively and directly pursue non-profit, charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "Tax-privileged purposes" of the German Tax Code (Abgabeordnung). The association does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.
(3) The funds of the association may only be used for purposes in accordance with the statutes. No person may be favoured by disproportionately high remuneration or by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association.
(4) Members shall not receive any benefits from the funds of the Association. Expenses shall be reimbursed.
(5) The deductibility of donations made to the Association shall be governed by the respective tax regulations.
(6) Since the association does not engage in any economic activity, it is considered an ideal association within the meaning of the Civil Code. - 4 Membership
(1) In principle, membership is open to anyone who is committed to the statutes and objectives of the Association.
(2) Application for membership shall be made in writing.
(3) The minimum age for joining the association is 16 years. Membership under the age of 18 requires the consenting signature of a parent or guardian.
(4) The Executive Board shall decide on admission. In the event of rejection by the Executive Board, the latter shall not be obliged to communicate the reasons. - 5 Amount of the membership fee
(1) The annual membership fee shall be determined by special resolution of the General Assembly. An admission fee shall not be charged. The fees shall only be used for purposes in accordance with the statutes.
(2) Members who are in arrears with the payment of their membership fees beyond the end of the association year shall be reminded of their obligation to pay. Unwillingness to pay shall lead to expulsion from the Association if the Executive Committee adopts a resolution to that effect. Unwillingness to pay shall be deemed to exist if a member has been reminded and has not reacted within 3 months after the reminder.
(3) Inability to pay due to an emergency situation may lead to a deferral of the fees. The decision shall be taken by the Executive Board.
(4) The General Assembly may confer honorary membership on deserving members or other personalities who have substantially promoted the Association and/or the work of the Association. Honorary members are not liable to pay membership fees. - 6 End of membership/termination/exclusion from the association
(1) Membership shall end at the end of the year if notice of termination is received in writing by the Executive Board by 30 September of a year.
(2) Membership shall be further terminated by expulsion in accordance with a resolution of the Executive Board if the conduct of a member is contrary to the purpose and/or reputation of the Association. The Executive Committee shall inform the person concerned in writing of the reasons. The person concerned must be given the opportunity to comment before the decision of the Executive Committee. Correspondence with members, especially in the case of exclusion proceedings, shall be deemed to have been received three days after it was sent to the last known address.
(3) Exclusion with immediate effect is exceptionally permissible if a particularly serious case of conduct detrimental to the Association gives the Executive Committee good cause for termination without notice.
(4) Upon the death of a member, his/her membership shall also expire. - 7 Organs of the Association
The organs of the association are the ordinary general meeting, the executive board and the board of directors. - 8 The Ordinary General Meeting
(1) The Ordinary General Assembly shall be held in the first quarter of each year. The invitation shall be sent to all members at least three weeks before the date of the meeting. Invitation by e-mail is permissible if a member has previously agreed to this in writing.
(2) The General Assembly decides on the approval of the annual accounts, the discharge of the Executive Board, the election of the new Executive Board, motions for amendments to the Statutes including the motion to dissolve the Association.
(3) Resolutions of the General Assembly shall be passed by a majority of the votes of the members present. Amendments to the Statutes require a three-quarters majority of those present, as does a resolution to dissolve the Association.
(4) The voting mode (open or secret ballot) shall be decided by the majority of the members present.
(5) The General Assembly shall elect two auditors for a term of two years. After the expiry of the term of office, one auditor must take a break for at least one year. Annual by-elections shall ensure that the composition of the cash auditors changes annually. The cash audit of the previous year must be completed before the ordinary general meeting. - 9 The Executive Board
(1) The Executive Committee shall manage the Association and represent it in and out of court in all matters concerning the Association.
(2) The Executive Board consists of the 1st Chairperson, the 2nd Chairperson and the Treasurer.
(3) The Association shall be represented judicially and extrajudicially by two executive members of the Board.
(4) The use of financial software must be decided unanimously by the Executive Board. The Executive Board guarantees that two members are familiar with the use of the software. The association must have licences for the software used. - 9b The Executive Board
(1) The Executive Board coordinates the strategy and operational tasks of the Association.
(2) The Executive Board shall consist of the Executive Board and two assessors.
(3) The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the General Assembly for a term of two years. If a Board member resigns, the remaining Board is entitled to appoint a new Board member until the next regular Board election.
(4) Each member of the Executive Board may force a dissolution and new election of the Executive Board within two months in case of serious impairments of the cooperation.
(5) Board resolutions shall be decided by simple majority. A tie vote is considered a rejection of a motion. The Executive Board has a quorum if more than half of the members of the Executive Board are present.
(6) Legal acts that would obligate the Association in an individual case with up to five hundred Euros may be decided by resolution of the Board. Legal acts that would obligate the association in an individual case with more than 500 Euros must be approved by the general meeting.
(7) Payments to Board members require the written and unanimous consent of the Board. The recipient of the payment is not entitled to vote for this decision. The appropriate use of the payment must be proven after four weeks at the latest.
(8) In exceptional cases, travel expenses shall also be reimbursed if they are directly related to the work of the Association. In this case, the written consent of the Executive Board prior to the trip is mandatory.
(9) New appointments and salary increases financed by the Association require the unanimous decision of the Board of Directors - 10 Certification of the resolutions of the organs of the Association
Minutes shall be taken of the resolutions of the Executive Board and the General Assembly, which shall be signed by two members of the Executive Board. - 11 Dissolution and cessation of purpose
(1) If a resolution is passed to dissolve the Association in accordance with the provisions of these Statutes, the executive members of the Board shall be deemed to be the liquidators. Two liquidators shall jointly represent the Association. For the performance of their duties, the provisions of §§ 47 et seq. BGB (GERMAN CIVIL CODE) SHALL APPLY.
(2) In the event of the dissolution of the Association or the discontinuation of its charitable purpose, the assets of the Association shall be transferred to Missionswerk Frohe Botschaft e.V., Nordstraße 15, 37247 Grossalmerode. - 12 Entry into force
These Articles of Association shall enter into force upon entry of the Association into the Kiel Register of Associations.